Učlani se u džemat
"I čvrsto se Allahova užeta držite i ne razjedinjujte se!" (Kur'an 3:103)
Dear brothers and sisters!
Being a member of the Islamic community should be the duty of all Muslims. By paying a membership fee to the Islamic Community, we show that we are Muslims, we tighten our ranks, prove our brotherhood, and help ourselves and others.
With your regular financial contributions – membership fees, we help the development of religious thought and choose our place in society, and enable us to achieve the following goals of the Islamic Community:
The gathering of the Bosniak people, in order to preserve their faith, culture, history, and tradition
Maintaining religious teaching and religious activities.
By studying Islam and enhancing its members' religious – cultural, and educational life.
Organizing publishing activities and organizing various forms of festivities on Islamic occasions: Ramadan, Eid, Mubarak nights, and other selected days.
Establishment, acquisition, maintenance, and protection of property of the Islamic community.
By paying a membership fee, we get the ability to make arrangements for weddings, tavhids, mavludes, janases, and we help those who are in need.
The membership fee for one year is $200 (USD) for one family and $60 (dollars) for a family social welfare i.e financially disadvantaged family.
You can pay the membership fee to our mosque in person by cash or send a check to the following address:
Bosnian American Islamic Center
11063 16 1/2 Mile Rr.
Sterling Heights, MI 48312
United States of America
Formular za obnavljanje kontakt informacija BAIC dzematlija