Bosnian American Islamic Center Detroit

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Kur'an: „Allahove džamije grade i održavaju oni koji u Allaha i u Onaj svijet vjeruju i koji namaz obavljaju i zekat daju i koji se nikoga osim Allaha ne boje; oni su, nadati se, na Pravom putu.“ (Et-Tevbe, 18.)
The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and do not fear except Allah , for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided.(Et-Tevbe, 18.)

Esselamu Alejkum,
Namaz u džematu vrijedniji je dvadeset i sedam puta od namaza pojedinca.
(Buharija i Muslim)
Welcome to the Bosnian American Islamic Center (BAIC) website. This website aims to showcase the best of BAIC, as well as what this great Islamic center offers to its community in services and events year-round. The website also allows you to donate to the center, download application forms, pay fees, keep up to date with events as well as connect to social media to keep up with the latest news around the BAIC community.
Esselamu Alejkum,
Dobrodošli na web stranicu Bosnjackog Americkog Islamskog Centra (BAIC). Ova web stranica ima cilj da predstavi najbolje od BAIC-a, kao i ono što ovaj veliki islamski centar nudi svojoj zajednici u uslugama i događajima tokom cijele godine. Web stranica vam takođe omogućava da donirate centru, preuzmete prijavne formulare, platite clanstvo, budete u toku sa događajima, kao i da se povežete na društvene medije kako biste bili u toku sa najnovijim vijestima oko zajednice BAIC.
During the holy month of Ramadan, it is time to multiply our blessings and make the most of our good deeds by generous donations toward our Bosnian American Islamic Center. Please click the link below to donate to our GoFundme campaign this summer only.